InstallScript  (c) 2000-2006 Octatec
InstallScript is an extremely easy, yet powerful tool for installing your applications. It is a simple scripting language, together with a simple 'wizard' (ISbuilder) to allow you to set up your installation packages simply by dragging files onto ISbuilder. When the InstallScript application itself is running, it appears like any normal windows application - not a console application - it displays a window, whose contents are under the control of the running script.

InstallScript is ideal for distributing software to third parties or within your own organization. It is designed to work with SXAzip, Octatec's Self eXtracting Archive generation program (if you buy InstallScript, the the SXAxip package is automatically included, free of charge). InstallScript has built-in support for SMS.

Install script is a very powerful tool and specifically addresses the problems of replacing busy DLLs and EXEs and replacing Shared Objects. It also has the ability to perform many complex configuration tasks via simple commands  such as  enabling services, adding ODBC data souces and configuring access remote DCOM objects.

QUICK START: The language is fully documented bellow, but, if you're in a hurry, skip to the ISbuilder section, and begin building Installation Packages straight away. Hopefully you will find ISbuilder intuitive and extremely easy to use, much more so than similar products.

You can go straight to the ISBuilderTutorial Section to see just how easy it realy is!


InstallScript Language

The Install Script language has the following commands. However, if you don't wish to learn the language immediately, you can use ISbuilder, which automatically creates an InstallScript and SXAzip archive simply by dragging and dropping.

The general syntax of a command is a follows

command_name [-options] "argument1" "argument2"...

It is good practice to put double quotes round arguments - if this is done, arguments can contain spaces, if this is not done spaces deliminate arguments, and commands that expect a specific number of arguments will see more and generate errors. E.G. title test_message  is OK, but title test message would generate an error because the title command requires one argument only,  title "test message" is OK because the double quotes groups the strings together into one argument; this is the only significance of double quotes. Commands may be split over multiple lines in the script file by terminating each line with a backslash, \, but note: the backslash must be the last character of the line.

Starting InstallScript

If you are developing a script by hand (i.e. not using ISbuilder), start InstallScript from the Start/Programs/InstallScript menu. When InstallScript starts, it will look for a script called "install.txt", and if it finds it, it will run it. If it doesn't find "install.txt", you will be prompted to enter a script filename. Alternatively, you can start InstallScript from a command prompt and pass the name of a script file on the command line, e.g. "InstallScript my_script.txt". If InstallScript is being started from an SXAzip Self eXtracting Archive, you will not be able to pass a script-file name on the command line, you must ensure your script is saved in the archive with the name "install.txt" (Isbuilder will manage such requirements for you). When InstallScript gets a file from the FileDialog, it will change directory to that of the file you enter - this is intended to make development of scripts easier, since normally, (and almost certainly if you are using SXAzip as the distribution archive) InstallScript will run in the same directory as the install-script file, also, the last InstallScript Entered in this way is remembered. (But Note: no directory change is performed if you pass an install-script on the command line)

You may pass a /sms directive on the command line to InstallScript if you require SMS support.

If you are using ISbuilder to develop your installation package, you can run InstallScript from the tools menu to test your installation.

Important note: InstallScript is case sensitive! However, if you use ISbuilder, you will, for the most part,  be insulated from the InstallScript language. ISbuilder generates an InstallScripot for you, it includes sections in which you can enter custimization commands if you wish - such sections survive subsequent re-geneartions

Commands that change the main window display

This command will maximize the window.
background colour_ref
colour_ref is an RGB (red/green/blue) specification, i.e. 3 numerical values separated by colons.

E.G. To display a black background, use the command background 0:0:0, and to display a red background, use the command background 255:0:0

background  -b bitmapfile.bmp
Use this variant of the background command to display a bitmap as the background
banner -position    "text message"     "font name"    font_size    colour_ref
-position is one of
    -l:    left justified
    -r:    right justified
    -c:   centre justified
"font name" is the name of a font face
font_size is the numerical value of a point size
colour_ref is an RGB value specification, i.e. 3 numerical values separated by colons

E.G. banner -l "TEST Banner" "Times New Roman"  120 0:255:0

Banner is used to print message on the screen, subsequent banner commands print bellow the last one, you do not need to use this command, but if you do it will improve the look of the installation

title "text message"
The title command sets the title-bar of the window
prograss -a avi_specifier
progress -i [number_of_copy_commands_to_follow]
progress -c
Initialize the progress indicator. If your are using filegroups, just specify progress -i with no argument, otherwise specify progress -i N, where N is the number of copy commands to follow. The progress -c command removes the progress indicator.

When the -a form of the command is used, it should be issued before any other progress commands as it selects the AVI to display on the progress indicator. The avi_specifier can be a file name containg an AVI, or the value @pistons for the standard pistons AVI or @files for the traditional windows 'moving files'  AVI. 

Control Commands

set [-e] name "value"
E.G.  set VENDOR "Octatec Ltd"

The set command is used to define and assign values to variables. Variables can be created at any time and are always global. Once a variable has been set its value is accessed by preceding the variable name with a dollar sign,

E.G.  message "The Product Vendor is: $VENDOR"

You can set an InstallScript  variable with the value of a Windows Environment variable; this is done by using the -e option and preceding  the value parameter with a percent. Once this is done, the value can be accessed anywhere within the script by preceeding it with a $, e.g....

set -e envPATH %PATH
message "the windows path is: $envPATH"
    # NB: a single % only is used to access the windows environment variable

Note that the $ is NOT used when the variable is being set, and is only used when the value of the variable is required!

The following variables are predefined and cannot be changed
WINDIR the windows directory
SYSDIR the system directory
PWD  the staring directory, this remains constant throughought te life of the installation
CWD the current directory
TEMP  the system temporary directory
VER_MAJ  the major version of the operating system
VER_MIN  the minor version of the operating system
VER_BLD  the build of the operating system
VER_PLATFORM  the operating system type( win32s =0, windows95,98=1, windowsNT=2)
ADMIN_RIGHTS This is TRUE is the current user has administator rights, it is always TRUE on win9x systems
NEEDS_RE_BOOT This is automatically set if the system requires a reboot to complete the installation process
COPY_TARGET This variable contains the pathname of the last file written to by the copy command
? The exit status of the last program to be executed by the run command
USDATE The date in DD/MM/YYYY format
UKDATE The date in MM/DD/YYYY format
IDATE The date in YYYYMMDD format, suitable for integer comparisons
TIME The time in HH:MM:SS format (24 hour clock is used)
ITIME The time in HHMMSS format, suitable for integer comparisons (24 hour clock is used)
USER The current user name
HOST The computer name
SMS_INI_FILE The pathname of the SMS ini file, or (empty) if their is no SMS ini file

Four special variables control the behaviour of InstallScript. Firstly, if you set NO_UNINSTALL to "1", then no automatic uninstall script will be generated, secondly, if you set EXIT_AT_END to "1", then Install Script will exit once the script has completed, otherwise, InstallScript will have to be closed manually after the script has completed.

E.G.   set EXIT_AT_END 1

Thirdly REPLACE_NEWER controls how InstallScript behaves when asked to overwrite a newer file with an older one. The default behaviour is to ask permission from the user. This variable can be set to 1 of 4 string values, the values must be upper case, and appear exactly as below. A similar  variable, REPLACE_SYS_NEWER allows different behaviour to be specified when overwriting system files (system files are those which reside in $SYSDIR or $WINDIR). The possible values of REPLACE_NEWER and REPLACE_SYS_NEWER are...
DEFAULT Ask permission to copy the file
NEVER  Never replace a newer file with an older file
ALWAYS  Always replace files regardless of age
DOUBLE_CHECK Prompt as in DEFAULT, then ask again


NB: If these two variables are set to ALWAYS or NEVER, they take precedence  over any sms response-file value ). This behaviour  is selectable from the preferences dialog when using ISBuilder.

An important point to realize about InstallScript variables, is that their value is simply substituted for the symbol $VARIABLE, just as it appears in the command, then the command is processed, just as in Unix shell scripting. Unlike Unix scripting, however, if you try and use a variable that hasn't been set, an error will be generated.

NOTE: if you are setting the HOME variable, you should include a drive letter, however, you will not know in advance the assignment of drive letters on other systems. Don't worry; if you use a drive letter that doesn't exists, a valid drive letter will be substituted when the script runs. A better solution, however is to use a ? instead of a normal drive letter, the ? is replaced by the drive letter of the WINDOWS directory. Note: this substitution only occurs when setting the HOME variable, however, the WINDOWS drive letter '?' is also interpreted by the copy command. Of course, you must allow the user to select the HOME directory (the directory where the installation is placed) using the choosedir command, but HOME should be set initially to provide a sensible default.

This command enables you to set a windows environment variable, this variable will be available  to any processes created by the run command (except command.com). This  command translates directly to a call to  the WIN32 functions SetEnvironmentVariable().
eval [-d] VAR_NAME = value1 OP value2
Evaluate a numeric expression; VAR_NAME is a variable name which receives the result.

OP can be one of: +  -  /  *  %  &  |  ^
If -d is present value1 and value2 are interpreted as floating point numbers, and OP parameters% & |  and ^  are illegal. Otherwise value1 and value2 are interpreted as integers, if a value is not an integer, it will be treated as 0. Without the -d option, value can be a hex value, 0xnnnn or an octal value, 0nnnn. The result stored in VAR_NAMEis always stored as a decimal integer (or floating point number) converted to a string.

eval  X = 32 * 2
message "32squared is $X"eval
eval  X = 0xA * 1
message "decimal value of 0xA is $X"

If you are wondering if you can use the eval command to add (or concatenate) 2 strings, the answer  is no. There is no need to have the eval command  do this, to concatenate two strings simple use set placing the strings in double quotes, as in set VAR_NAME "STRING1 STRING2"


Where STRING_1 and STRING_2 are just strings
And OP is one of the following operators

=    TRUE if the 2 strings are the same
!=   TRUE if the 2 strings are not equal
^    TRUE is the 1st string appears in the 2nd string
>    numerical greater than
>=   numerical greater than or equal-to
<    numerical less than
<=   numerical less than or equal-to
?        file status operator, see below

Note: if numerical comparisons are being made, the 2 strings are converted to numbers and then compared, if a string is not a number, a value of 0 is used for the comparison.


if $VENDOR = "Octatec Ltd"
    message "the application is from Octatec"
    message "the application is from an unknown vendor"

File Status Operator ?

This operator expects STRING_1 to be a pathname and STRING_2 to be a state, the path is tested to see if it matches the specified state, if it does, the if condition succeeds. The following is a list of valid states...

exists, directory, readonly, system, 0xXXXXXXXX

In the case of  0xXXXXXXXX the file attribute word is checked to see if it contains the given flag, i.e. the following test is performed,


if "c:\path\myfile" ? exists
    message the file exists

NOTE:  there are no AND/OR operators

filegroup [-m] G"name for group"
option -m specifies the group is mandatory. i.e. it cannot be excluded by using the choosefiles command

GN is a file group specifier - files are arranged into groups by adding a file group specifier to the copy command, N is a number in the range 0 to 8
"name of group" is the name displayed in the choosefiles dialog.

If filegroups don't make much sense yet, don't worry, they are an advanced feature - many installations will not need them. The purpose of this command is to give names to file groups - it works in conjunction with the copy command and the choosefiles command to enable file groups to be either selected or deselected from the installation. It is up to you to assign files to groups and to decide which groups are mandatory (i.e. cannot be deselected from the installation).

filegroup -e | -d GN
This variant of the command can be used to enable (-e) or disable (-d) file groups manually
call [-r] comand_file
-r: remove the comand_file after use.

This command switches input to the new command file. All variables set in the calling script are available in the called script, and any variables set in the called script are still in existence once the script returns. You will probably only use the -r option when processing a generated comand_file produced by a  program you called that observers the return call convention

Return from a called comand_file. This command can be used to return early, e.g. from an if condition. If you don't want to return early you don't need to use a return command, as the script will automatically return when the end-of-file is reached.
Cancel the execution of the current script

run [-wx] "program.exe" "arguments" ...

    -w: if this option is specified, InstallScript will not wait for the program to terminate.
      -x: do not run the program if the EXE is reference counted and has a reference count greater than 1.
                This is so that the onuninstall command can be used to un-register EXEs by running them, but only if the object is not
               used by any other system.

This command runs the specified program together with specified arguments. Note: if the program or any of the arguments contain embedded spaces they should be placed in double quotes. So any program that you run that process it's command line must be prepared to handle quoted arguments.

Note: do not place the whole command line, including arguments in double quotes, otherwise the system will not be able to correctly identify the executable to run, e.g.
    don't do this:     run "$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe  -i"
    instead do this:     run "$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe" -i

NB: The exit status of all programs that are waited for is set into the special variable $?, if the last program to run was not waited for or if no programs have run, $?  will have the value "(empty)".

File Access Commands

fwrite -t|-a|-T|-A pathname string [string...]
-t: truncate file before writting
-a: append to file
-T: truncate file before writting, write to the file even if it is read-only
-A: append to file, write to the file even if it is read-only

The string is written to file identified by pathname. If the file doesn't exist it is created. You can use the if command and the file status operator ? to test that the file is not read-only, alternatively, the -T and -A options will temporarily remove the read-only attribute of a file if it has it, so that the write can take place regardless.

Upto 4 strings parameters can be present. A new-line is always added after the strings have been written.

fread pathname RESULT [linenum]
A line of text is read from the file identified by pathname and placed in the variable RESULT, note: do not place a $ in front of RESULT, but use $RESULT in subsequent commands. RESULT can, of course, be any variable name you wish. You can read any line from the file by specifying a linenum, if the line doesn't exist you will get a string set to "(eof)", but no error. The default linenum is 1, line numbers start from 1. If the file doesn't exist, you will get get a string set to "(nofile)". You can use the if command and the file status operator ? to test the existence of the file. Note: lines longer than 256 charachters will be truncated when read.
fedit [-f] pathname instr outstr [linenum]
This command edits the named file replacing instr with outstr. All lines are processed, however if linenum is present, the edit only takes place on that line. The command works regardless of any read-only attribute on the file being edited. The -f option causes the command only to run if the named pathname exists, i.e. without the -f option, if the pathname does not exist an error is generated, with -f, no error is generated. This command might be useful to 'tweak' local configuration files, e.g. to insert the name of the local computer (this is available in the  $HOST variable). Note: lines longer than 1024 charachters will be truncated.

A special mode is available wherebt if instr start with /? then any line that contains instr is fully replaced by outstr, but only if outstr does not contain the string "(empty)" anywhere [in this way, instr could be built up by $variables, but if any $variable was 'empty' the substitution would not be made].
rm [-f] pathname
Remove the named file. The -f option suppresses any errors if the pathname doesn't exist.
chmod [-f] pathname attributes
The attributes of the named file are set by this command. The attributes parameter can be one of...
 make the file read only
 mark the file as a system file
 mark the file as hidden
 mark the file as archive
 remove the file read only
 remove the system file attribute
 remove the hidden attribute
 remove the archive attribute
 set the attribute to the given bit pattern

The chmod command can be called successively  to set a series of attributes. The -f option causes the command only to run if the named pathname exists, i.e. without the -f option, if the pathname does not exist an error is generated, with -f, no error is generated.

cd directory-path

Change to the specified directory. You may use   cd -   to retuen to the previous directory, or   cd $PWD    to return to the startup directory

Dialog Commands

message "message to the user"
Display a message box.
The message command allows up to 4 quoted arguments, each one will appear on a different line in the output message box. You may spread the command over more than one line in the script file by terminating each line with a backslash, \, but note: the backslash must be the last character on the line.
oktoinstall -advise
Firstly, this command checks to see if the version you are installing is already installed, then it checks to see if there are any other versions of the software installed. If no versions are installed, the command just asks permission to continue. If it finds other versions, the command will cause the installation to cancel unless -advise is set, in which case it will just issue a warning and ask permission to continue. You should use this command early in the install script, but not before you have set the variable APP, VENDOR, and VER.
query -y|-o  RESULT "question"
RESULT is a variable that is set with the result, the result will be one of YES, NO, OK, CANCEL depending on the button clicked..
option -y displays buttons YES and NO, and option -o displays buttons OK and CANCEL.

The query command allows up to 3 quoted arguments, each one will appears on a different line in the output message box. You may spread the command over more than one line in the script file by terminating each line with a backslash, \, but note: the backslash must be the last character on the line.

query -y RESULT "display a black background"
    background 0:0:0

display [-cl] filename ["title"]
-c : cancel mode
-l :  licence mode
Where option -c causes a CANCEL button to be displayed. Without this option, a CLOSE button only, is displayed. If the CANCEL button is clicked, the installation is automatically cancelled. The -loption is like the -c option, but in addition, a confirmation check-box is displayed and must be checked before the OK button is accepted. If the title parameter is present, it is used as the title of the window displaying the file, if it is omitted, the title will be the filename.

This command is typically used for displaying license agreements or readme files.

Filename can be a plain text file or a Rich Text Format (RTF) file, in order to display an RTF file, the extension must be .RTF.

browse html_file
Browse an html file. The HTML file is displayed in a modal browser window.
input RESULT  "input_dlg_title" "prompt_string" "default_value"
RESULT is a variable that will receive the users input

This command is typically used to get an activation key from a user. Note, as with all commands, InstallScript will reject this command if the number of parameters are not correct (in this case 4 are required). If you do not want a default value you cannot leave the parameter out, nor can you specify an empty string, "", as this will be seen as a missing parameter, you must a least specify a single space, " ", if you do not want the default-value.

getappkey app_key_id
This command is available if you wish to use InstallScript's own application key facilities (you don't have to use them, you can use your own application key generation methods if you wish.) This command requests the user enters an application key, which is then validated using InstallScript's own key-validation methodology. To use this command, you must first use the ISkeyGen application to generate a key based on a 3 digit number. You will then supply this key together with the Installation to the purchaser, who will then be prompted for the key by this command. NOTE: the intricacies of setting up key validation is automatically handled by ISbuilder. If the key validates successfully, its value is saved in the variable $APPKEY for latter use by the setappkey command.

The getappkey does not save the key into the registry. This is so the getappkey command can be used very early in the installation process to validate the key without saving anything in the registry. Thus, if a cancellation happens later, the registry will not have to be cleared up. You should endeavour to only save registry entries and copy files once the user can no longer cancel. (Note: if errors occur, registry entries and files are automatically cleaned up, but this is not the case if the installation is cancelled). NB: ISbuilder will handle adding commands to the InstallScript in the correct order.

choosedir RESULT "prompt text" "default_directory"
This command displays a directory dialog, principally to allow the user to select the value of HOME, i.e. an installation directory. E.G.
chosedir HOME "select the installation directory" $HOME
The above example sets a new value into HOME, and initially displays the current value of HOME as a default.
select RESULT "dialog_window_heading" "prompt_text" initial_choice_index "list_of_choices"
initial_choice_index is the numerical value of the initial choice, i.e. the initial value of the drop down list, the first choice is number 0.
list_of_choices is a comma separated list of values, these are used to populate the drop down list
RESULT is a variable that will contain the choice when the OK button is pressed. A CANCEL button is available from this menu, if it is clicked the installation is automatically cancelled.
select RESULT "Select Installation Type" "choose one of..." 0 "default,compact,custom"
if $RESULT = default
    call install_defualt.txt
single_step on|off
This command is intended for debugging purposes only. It allows you to single step through your command script file. Each command is displayed in a dialog, once as it is read in from the file, and once again after all variable substitution has been been, then the command is optionally executed. Commands that are part of failed if-clauses are still displayed, but you are informed that the command will not run. You can set single-step mode on of off anywhere in your script file. Another way to debug your scripts is to look in the log file, %TEMP%\InstallScript.log.
This command allows for groups of files to be chosen for installation. It will typically show a dialog containing check boxes specifying groups of files that can be optionally installed. As groups are selected or deselected the disk space required is displayed. Files are assigned to groups by specifying a group ID in the copy command - this is an optional parameter to the copy command and is only required if the choosefiles command is going to be used. This is an advanced command and will not be needed for most installations. Groups are given a name by the filegroup command. Tee use of this command is demonstrated in the Advanced example below

Installation Commands

copy [-qsar] "source" "destination" [GN]
This command copies the source file to the destination file. If the destination file is in use, it arranges for the file to be copied the next time the system is booted. Any directories that don't exists in the destination path are created.

The -q option forces the command to ask permission before making the copy, without this option the copy command will only prompt if the "destination" is newer than the "target".

For an explanation of -sar options, see the note on handling shared files bellow.

The copy command is also used to assigned files to groups. This is an advanced feature and is optional. File groups are used by the choosefiles command. The system scans the installation script once before processing any commands, and assigns files to groups. These groups can then be optionally excluded from the installation by the choosefiles  dialog command.

Be sure to enclose the source and destination in double quotes - this is particularly important if the path names contain embedded spaces

If any file being copied to is in-use, e.g. a shared DLL or EXE, the system is automatically configured to perform the copy operation at the next reboot.

If the copy command is replacing an older file with a newer one, the user is warned and given the option not to perform the copy.

The destination should be a full pathname. Mostly, if you follow standardInstallScript conventions, it will be made up of the HOME variable, e.g.

copy newfile.exe $HOME\newfiile.exe
You can, however, specify a pathname in full, in which case you should take care, since you won't know in advance what drive letter assignments are in place on other systems. To get round this, you can use the WINDOWS wildcard drive letter, ?. When the script runs ? is replaced with the WINDOWS drive letter, e.g.
copy newfile.exe ?:\Program file\MyApp\newfile.exe
NB: the HOME variable will always contain a valid drive letter.

A Note on replacing running EXEs or in-use DLLs

This is taken care of automatically by InstallScript. It uses the standard operating system mechanisms, which differ on Windows9X and WindowsNT / 2000 systems. Due to limitations with the mechanism under Windows9X, all copy operations must take place using 8.3 filenames, and the 8.3 filename will  replace your none 8.3 filename - to get round this problem, when replacing non 8.3 filenames under Windows9X, InstallScript will, in addition to the standard rename mechanism, generate a batch file that will run at start-up and correct any 8.3 name errors. However, where possible, use 8.3 names and avoid this additional installation step.  Further note, just postponing the copying of busy files until a reboot may not be sufficient, the whole installation may need to be suspended and restarted after a reboot, the restart command will achieve this, and ISbuilder supports this facility.

A note on replacing shared DLLs

These will probably be located in $SYSDIR, but may not be. Just use the -sra parameters with the copy command, and your version of  the file will automatically update the existing file, wherever it is located on the target system!

The -s option causes  the file to be treated as a shared file, i.e. it is reference counted. Without the -s option, InstallScript will still  observer reference counting for files that already have a reference count, but with -s, a new reference count is created for the file if one doesn't already exist. Further, when you use -r, the "destination" parameteris only a hint! The system will search the list of shared files in the registry, and if it finds one entry, and one entry only where the filename(not pathname)  matches the filename in the destination, then destination is replaced with the pathname from the registry. If a destination is replaced, the value of  variable COPY_TARGET is set to the new destination, otherwise it is set to the original destination - COPY_TARGET is always reset after the copy command runs regardless of any option flags. There is a potential problem here - if you copy a file to the system you may want to access it after you have copied it, i.e you may want to register it or run it, and if the copy command changes the destination you won't know where it has been copied to. To get round this problem you can either use the COPY_TARGET variable or setup an alias. If you include the -a option, once such a substitution has taken place, the "destination" acts as an alias to the actual location, and so wherever "destination" appears in your script, it is replaced by the actual destination, so that you can continue and access the file as if it were copied where you originally specified - i.e. you don't have to worry about whether the destination was actually replaced or not! (Alias substitution is completely transparent, you can completely ignore it when you write your script.)

Instead of using the -a option, you could do something like...
        copy -sr some.dll $SYSDIR\some.dll
        regdll $COPY_TARGET

Instead of the -r option, you could do the following...
        locate THE_DLL $SYSDIR\some.dll
        # if the DLL is listed as a shared object in the registry,
        # its pathname is written into $THE_DLL
        if $THE_DLL = "(empty)"
                # the file is not listed as shared in the registry
                set THE_DLL $SYSDIR\some.dll
        copy -s some.dll $THE_DLL
        regdll $THE_DLL

The -a and -r options are implemented to remove the need for programing structures like those above, it is up to you which constructs you use - the ISbuilder utility uses the -sar option when dealing with shared files.

Replacing Newer Files with Older Ones

In general, you probably don't want to do this. InstallScript recognizes 2 classes of files, system and non-system and will behave differently when replacing system files and non-system files with older ones. NB: system files are ones that are copied to $SYSDIR or $WINDIR, your own DLL will be considered a system file if it is copied to a system directory!

Two system variables  control how InstallScript reacts when being asked to replace newer files with older ones. $REPLACE_NEWER controls the replacement of non-system files and $REPLACE_SYS_NEWER controls the replacement of system files. The variables can take four possible values, "ALWAYS", "NEVER", "PROMPT" and "DOUBLE_CHECK" specifying the action taken.

restart [-rc]  label [ $CONDITIONAL ]

           -r: restart only if a copy operation can't be completed without a reboot.
           -c:  restart only if $CONDITIONAL is "TRUE"
           label:  this is a user defined label, any string can be used.

This command will suspend the installation and arrange for it to be re-started after a system boot. This command is useful  if a file could not be copied because  it was in use, and it is actually needed during the installation. E.G. if you are re-distributing the MFC DLL, and one of your own DLLs needs methods in the new version during their registration process.

NOTE: the restart command cannot appear in an if statement. This is due to the complexity of re-starting the script within an if. However, you can conditionally  restart the script by using the -c option and the $CONDITIONAL parameter, if $CONDITIONAL is set to "TRUE"or"1", the restart is processed, otherwise it is not.

Multiple restart commands are permitted, each one should have a unique label. The label can be any string. You are, however, unlikely to need more than one restart. Typically you will use one restart command just after all files have been copied. ISbuilder will handle this for you if you choose.

You must be careful  not to issue any commands that will require uninstall actions before a restart. Uninstall actions are not preserved during a restart, E.G. don't register  any objects, don't add any menu commands etc until after the last restart command. However, all variables set at the point at which the restart command is processed will still be set after the restart.

Once a restart has taken place, the variable $RESTARTED will contain the label of the restart. If the script has not be restarted $RESTART will have the value "FALSE".

locate LOCATION shared_file_path
This command finds the actual location of the 'shared' filename in shared_file_path. If the system registry's shared file list contains one entry and one entry only  whose filename is the same as that in shared_file_path , then LOCATION is set to that value, otherwise LOCATION is set to "(empty)".
locateobj [-i|o]  LOCATION  object.name
-i:  look for an In-Proc object (i.e. DLL)
-o:   look for an Out-Of-Proc object (i.e. EXE)

This command allows you to determine if and object is already registered or not. If the object is registered LOCATION will contain the path of the DLL or EXE that implements this object, otherwise LOCATION will have the value "(empty)".

The setappkey command should be used to save the key in the registry. The command takes no parameters, and accepts no user input - it can only be used after the getappkey command has completed successfully. The application key read by getappkey is entered in the registry together with the id under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\$VENDOR\$APP\$VER in the string values ISappKeyID and ISappKey. Your application can then validate the key at runtime using the ISkeyObject if you wish, but this is not mandatory.
regdll dll_pathname
Register the named dll by calling its DllRegisterServer() function. An unregdll command will be automatically added to the uninstall script for each call of regdll
desktop [-s] "program.exe"
This command simply adds the named program to the current users desktop, the -s option causes it to be added to the system (or common) desktop.
(Note: -s is ignored when the installation runs under Windows 9x).
progmenu [-s] "program.exe" "submenu\item_name"
This command adds the named program to the named submenu  bellow the Programs menu with the named of item_name. If submenu doesn't exist, it is created (in fact, submenu can be a sequence of submenus - all will be created).  The -s option causes the item  to be added to the system (or common) desktop, but this is ignored when the installation runs under Windows 9x
setreg -root_key_specifier[i] "path_to_key" "name" "value"
where -root_key_specifier is one of
And "path_to_key" is a registry path - elements that don't exist are automatically created, unless the root key is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

If an i is appended to the root_key_specifier, (e.g. -lmi) it is interpreted as an integral value as opposed to a string value.

Note: "name" is the name of a string-value(REG_SZ), or an integral-value(REG_DWORD) only these types of values  can be added. Further Note:  if  "name" is “default” the default value is set for the key.

getreg -root_key_specifier "path_to_key" "name" NAME_OF_VARIABLE
where -root_key_specifier is one of
And "path_to_key" is a registry path

Note: NAME_OF_VARIABLE is  the name of an internal variable that will receive the value of the "name" registry string value. (only string-values and integral-values can be accessed in this way - their is no need to tell the command if the value is a string or integer) The value can be accessed as follows, once the command has returned

message "Value Is: $NAME_OF_VARIABLE"
NB: if the "name" does not exist or is set to the empty string, $NAME_OF_VARIABLE will have the value "(empty)"
(In fact this is true for any automatically set variables, they will always contain "(empty)" when the string they are being set from contains no characters).

Note:  if  "name" is “default” the default value is accessed for the key.

setsvc -service_mode service_name
Where -service_mode is one of
-a: automatic - i.e. start at boot
-m: manual start
-d: disabled
And service_name is the name of an already installed service, i.e. it is the name of a key under SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

This command sets the mode of an already installed service. If you plan to included a service in the installation, you should make it self installing, i.e. copy it to the required directory and execute it with the -i option. You may, however, use this command to alter the mode of the service once it is installed.

getdllref pathname NAME_OF_VARIABLE
This command retrieves the reference count of the named DLL (pathname) and places it in NAME_OF_VARIABLE. if the DLL does not have a reference count, the value in $NAME_OF_VARIABLE is -1. The pathname argument can be any pathname, it need not be a DLL
odbc [-sx] action "driver" "attributes"
Where -s causes a system DSN to be added/removed/configured
and -x will prevent DSNs added being removed by the uninstall script
and action is one of add remove or config
This command allows you to add, remove or configure ODBC data sources, the driver parameter is the name of the ODBC driver, and will be something like "SQL Server", the attributes parameter is a semi-colon separated string, something like...

This command passes its arguments straight through to the SQLConfigDataSource() function.

All DSNs added by this command are automatically removed by the uninstall script, unless -x is specified - this prevents the data-source being reomved by the uninstall script.

dcomcfg  -e 
dcomcfg  -r[l] "object_name" "server"
dcomcfg  -l  "object_name"

This command allows limited configuration of DCOM.

The first version of the command simply enables DCOM.

The second version arranges for an already locally-registered object to be started remotely on the named server. If the l flag is present in the option string, local activation is also allowed, otherwise local activation is prevented.

The third version of the command prevents remote activation of the object. NOTE: If the object was previously enabled for remote activation it will need to be registered again after this command has completed if the object is actually to be available locally.

The following  alterations are made to the registry to run an object remotely...

Firstly, the CLSID of the named object is obtained using the standard function, CLSIDFromProgID()

Then, the APPID of the object is obtained from CLSID\{object-CLSID}\APPID. If this key doesn’t exist it is created and given the same value as the object-CLSID.

Once the APPID is determined, the  APPID values APPID\{Object-APPID}\RemoteServerName is set, and the 2 values RunAs and ActivateAtStorage are removed.

When this is done, local activation  keys are removed (provided local activation was dissabled with the -l option). The following values are removed...
CLSID\{object-CLSID}\LocalServer32 and CLSID\{object-CLSID}\InProcServer32, in addition, the following values are also removed if present CLSID\{object-APPDI}\LocalServer32 and CLSID\{object-APPID}\InProcServer32

When preventing remote activation (i.e. re-allowing local activation with dcomcfg -l), the key value APPID\{Object-APPID}\RemoteServerName is removed, but the local activation values are not re-instated - this is why you must then re-register the object to fully re-enable local activation. Note: if the APPID value doesn't exist an error is generated    , it is not created by the dcomcfg -l command.

associate  ext  "path" "short_name" "long_name"
associate -u  ext  "short_name"
This command associates a filename extension (ext) with a path. The short_name parameter is a the app_id of the command – you should try and avoid spaces in the short_name. The long_name can be anything you want, it could be the same as the short_name.

Note; if you are supplying an OLE or ActiveX object or document, you will not need this command as registering the object/document will also add an association. However, if you just have a non-ActiveX program that takes a file as a command line parameter, using this command will allow double-clicking the file in expoler to start the associated program with the double-clicked file as a parameter.

If the –u form of the command is used, the association is removed (un-associate). An un-associate command is automatically generated in the un-install script.

The wizard, ISbuild,  will automatically add association commands if you request it,

This command sets 'update' mode. The sole consequence of this is to prevent the contents of the $HOME directory from being deleted if the installation fails, and to prevent the existing uninstall procedure from being overwritten.

Uninstall Commands

These commands are automatically added to the uninstall script that is generated after a successful installation - they are rarely used for installation operations, but are available if you require them. The uninstall script is automatically generated after a successful install, and is accessed from the Windows Control Panel's Add/Remove programs option.

unregdll dll_pathname

This command call the DllUninstallServer() function in the named dll. If the function does not exists, no error is generated, as many dlls do not support this method. unregdllcommands will be added to the uninstall script for every call to regdll. For this reason regdll is preferred to any other method of registering a dll. Note the command will NOT unregister an object if the DLL is referenced counted and has a reference count greater than 1.
rmtree directory_path
Remove all files and directories under directory_path. If files are in-use in the directory_path the user will be prompted to quit applications, if the files are still in use, they are scheduled for removal at the next reboot.
remove file_path
Remove the named file, if the file is in use, the system is configured so that it is removed during the next reboot. If the file is reference counted, the reference count is decremented, and the file is only deleted if the reference count goes to 0.
rmkey  -root_key_specifier key_path
where root_key_specifier is one of
Remove the named key and all the values it contains. This command will fail if  key_path contains sub keys (i.e. not values, but actual keys)
rmregtree  -root_key_specifier key_path
where root_key_specifier is one of
Remove the named key and all sub keys.
Even though all InstallScript commands automatically give rise to an entry in the uninstall script to reverse their actions, it may be, that you need custom processing during the uninstall phase, e.g. if you installed a service by running it with a -i option, you may want to run it with a -u option to uninstall it. You can add custom processing by issuing one or more onuninstall commands during installation, these have the effect of manually adding commands to the automatically generated uninstall script.

onuninstall "command and arguments..."

This command adds the text in "command and arguments..." to the uninstall script. All onununstall commands are process before any automatic actions in the  uninstall script.

Note: this command allows one argument only, so the "command and arguments..." must be quoted. Remember, however, that when the uninstall script runs, "command and arguments..." will be seen as a command in its own right, without the quotes, however, some of its parameters might themselves need quotes - you can solve this problem by using single quotes inside double quotes - singe quotes have exactly the same meaning to InstallScript as double quotes, e.g.

onuninstal "run 'c:\Program File\MyApp\myservice' -u"

You can see an example of onuninstall being used in the Automatically Generated Uninstall sample bellow.

You will need to use this command if your install script installs services that need to be stopped and uninstalled, or if your script  registers COM objects that need to be unregistered when your application is uninstalled.Services and COM EXE objects normally install and register themselves, InstallScript does not contain any commands for doing this, you should ensure that your exe-objects/services are self registering/installing and self unregistering/uninstalling.

SMS Support

Basic SMS support is available for InstallScript packages. Their are 3 features that are implemented specifically for SMS support.

Silent Mode and Input from a Response File

The command line argument /sms:silent or /sms:response_file_name.ini can be given to InstallScript. in both cases InstallScript runs silently, without displaying windows and without user input. In the first case all commands that would require user input are given default values; in the case of dialog boxes with initial values, this is the initiall value specified in the command, and, in the case  where the dialog just has a YES or OK button, YES is the default. Note: if the setappkey command is used with /sms:silent, an error is generated - a response file is required if you use the setappkey command!

In the second form of the argument, response_file_name.ini is a 'response file'. Input for each dialog command is read from the  file, the format of the input is just the command name followed by the value, E.G. choosedir=c:\Program Files\Octatec\InstallScript\1.00 In the case of the input command, however, the left-hand-side of the equals sign is the name of  the variable being set.

Note: if you run programs from within your InstallScript, it is your responsibility to ensure they behave correctly when in SMS mode - to help with this, the variable $SMSMODE will have the value true when in SMS mode, and $SMS_INI_FILE will have the value of the response file or (empty) if their is no response file. You can then read the response file from own programs if you wish. Any programs that register themselves or initialize services must do so without requesting user input.

A response file is automatically generated by ISbuilder when sms-support is enabled.

The /sms command line option is also implemented by SXAzip thus allowing the installation of Self Extracting Archives using SMS.

A  response file has the same format as a windows INI file. It must have an [InstallScript] section where all the InstallScript responses are located. It can also have a [SXAzip] section where a password=<password> entry can be made to enable the installation of packages that are password protected.

MIF Interface

InstallScript uses the MIF interface to communicate its status to SMS. This is done using the InstallStatusMIF()  function in  ismif32.dll. If this DLL is not present, or not able to be loaded by LoadLibrary(), the MIF interface will not be used. This should not be a problem, since if you are distributing a system via SMS, all SMS DLLs should be on the client system. If InstallScript cannot load, ismif32.dll an error is reported in the standard log file - the log file is maintained just as normal when in SMS mode.

PDF File Generation

The ISbuilder application is capable of generating a PDF file when in SMS Mode. It should be noted, however, that you may need to manually edit the generated PDF file before you can use it directly with SMS - it should be regarded as a guide rather than a definitive PDF file.

Application Security

How do you stop your application being installed by those who have not purchased it? Well, this is a difficult problem, it is almost impossible to stop someone who is determined, from pirating your application, except perhaps, by using specialized hardware. InstallScript has a couple of features to help you protect your application from casual copying.

The first step to protect your application is to protect your installation archive. You can do this if you use SXAzip by simply setting a password on the archive - if you're felling particularly paranoid, you can encrypt the archive as well, but encryption increases the size.

Next you should use some kind of Activation key. This key should be validated during installation, and, for even tighter security, it should be validated whenever your application runs. You may have your own Application Key technology, and this is fine -  Octatec itself uses its own application key generation technology which it calls from Installation scripts. However, if you don't wish to go to the trouble of developing your own application key subsystem, you can use the one provided with InstallScript.


The first step in using InstallScript's  own  application key functionality is to generate a key. You do this by using the ISkeyGen program supplied with InstallScript. It takes a 3 digit number and generates a 12 character application key. This key is used as the user input to the setappkey dialog command. The command itself takes the  3 digit number as its only parameter. If you wish, you can leave it at that; however, for added security, you can use the ISkeyObject COM Automation object to check the key whenever your application runs. Note: this facility can be automatically added to an InstallScript by using ISbuilder.


This object is an in-process automation object, implemented in the DLL ISkeyObject.dll. You can use it to verify the application key at runtime. If you choose to use it, you will have to distribute the ISkeyObject.dll with your application and register it during the installation procedure. (You are permitted to distribute this DLL with your application under the terms of the license).

If you do distribute this object with your application, you should copy the DLL using copy -s to ensure that if the object is already installed, it will be correctly installed and reference counted when you install your own application.

The object's name is "ISutilities.Key". (A type library and ODL is supplied with the installation.)

The object implements the following methods...

    [id(1)] boolean VerifyKeyFromReg(BSTR regPathName);
   [id(2)] boolean VerifyKey(BSTR key, long keyID);

The first method just takes the path of your application's keys in the registry, i.e. SOFTWARE\$VENDOR\$APP\$VER. The second method is an alternative to the first, it takes the application_key and and the application_key_id. You can use which ever method is the most convenient.

As already stated, this is optional functionality, available for use if you want some degree of protection and don't have your own key generation technology. Octatec does not make any claims about the ability of the application key to withstand attack from determined software pirates. It is just intended to prevent casual copying. And of course, if your just distributing software within your own organization, you won't need any security features.

Note: if you use ISbuilder you can limit the computer on which the installation is run and limit the number of times the installation can be run.

InstallScript Conventions

The following conventions should be observed when writing scripts. You don't have to observe these conventions, but if you set the following variables, you will find things a lot simpler - in particular, the automatic uninstall-script generation facility is only available if the first 4 variables bellow are set. ISbuilder handles all this for you.

VENDOR     The name of your company
APP        The name of the application
VER        The version, e.g. 1.00
HOME       The location of the application on the disk, e.g. "?:\Program Files\$VENDOR\$APP"
           this location can be changed by the user, the above is just a default
REGHOME    The location of the application's registry entries, e.g. "SOFTWARE\$VENDOR\$APP\$VER"
           this location cannot be changed by the user, and the final value of $HOME should be recorded in the registry,
                      e.g.   setreg -lm "$REGHOME\Home"  $HOME

You should then use the HOME variable when copying files, and REGHOME when setting registry entries, as done in the example scripts bellow. Further, when you set HOME you get automatic drive letter checking and substitution.

Return values from external programs

If you write a program specifically to be used in an InstallScript, e.g. to verify a user entered key, you should observe the following convention. The first command line argument should be the name of a file where the program will write its output - the program should write InstallScript commands to the file. It can write whatever it wants but it should at least write a command of the form "set RESULT X", where X is 1 or 0 signifying success or failure. The program can receive whatever command line arguments you want after the first. This mechanism is not particularly elegant but it is powerful and simple. Of course, if you don't want any feedback from the program, and/or you don't intend for the script to wait for the external program to complete, you don't have to adopt this convention.

If you are calling a 3rd party supplied program, it probably won't adopt this convention. However, InstallScript preserves the exit status of all programs it executes (and waits for), in the special variable $?, regardless of whether they observe the above convention or not.

Installation Of Multiple Versions Of the same application

InstallScript does not support the existence of multiple versions of the same application on a system. If you use the oktoinstall command, the user will be prompted to uninstall previous versions before continuing. The problem with multiple versions on the same system arises when the uninstall procedure runs, it will remove all files and registry entries relating to all versions. This behaviour is deliberate, it is not a bug.

ISbuilder - The InstallScript Wizard

ISbuilder is part of the InstallScript package, It allows you to build an Installation script and an SXAzip Self eXtracting Archive just by dropping files onto the application. You simply decide what files make up your package and then drop all the files onto ISbuilder, which handles the intricacies of adding the InstallScript executables that will be needed to run the InstallScript when it builds the SXAzip archive. (Note - to get the most out of ISbuilder you will also need SXAzip).
Once you have added your files, just take the File/Save and Generate option.

Bear in mind, that essentially, installing software is a very simple procedure, files are just copied to a pre-determined location on a target system. You specify the files in ISBuilder by drag-and-drop. When this is done, you can then set properties on the file to control such things as whether or not the file is on a menu, has an icon on the desktop or is registered. Complexities such as  the situation when the file is in use and cannot be overwritten on the target system are handled automatically.

Main View

ISbuilder maintains a list view, displaying the files you have added together with 5 attrinbutes that control how the files are processed by the InstallScript.

Note: in the following view, clicking a column will sort on that column. You can optionally have the display highlight rows that are the same during the sort process, this is controlled from the View menu. Double-clicking a row allows the attributes to be edited - in addition, many rows can be selected, and then a right-button context menu allows the properties to be set for all selected rows. To add files to the display just drag and drop files or directories onto the application. Note: if, after you have adde files, one of the files is removed from its original location, the file will be highlighted in red in the display.

As soon as ISbuilder starts it is ready to accept files - you give the project a name when you take the File/Save and Generate option.

SourceFile is the file on the local system that you are going to include in your distribution. The easiest way to add files is by drag-and-drop. The view above has been configured to show file-names only in the source-file column (using the View menu), however the default is to show the full path.

Group is just an identifier that groups files together - files can be excluded or included by the user when the package is installed. Group 0  cannot be excluded (this is a convention enforced by ISbuilder). When the user installs your package, he will be prompted with a list of groups you define here, and allowed to selective include or exclude groups. You can give the groups meaningful names which will be displayed to the user rather than just "files in group 0" from the Edit menu. Note however, if you turn off Custom Installation Support  or only have one group, the user will not be allowed to include/exclude files. NB: if you do turn of   Custom Installation Support the Group identifier plays no part in the installation.

InstallationLocation. This is the relative location of the file when it is installed. $HOME represents the users choice of destination directory made during installation. If you wanted to place help documents in a docs directory and/or samples in a samples directory, you would just replace $HOME with docs or samples, this would be interpreted as $HOME\docs etc. In the above example $HOME\lib could have been specified as just lib, and log\loopback is actually interpreted as $HOME\log\loopback. If you mark the file as  Shared, the system will suggest that the location should be $SYSDIR, but it will not enforce this. It may be, that you do not actually want the file actually installed on the system, e.g. if you have a configuration program you want to run, perhaps to set up licence keys or provide some specialist configuration, you can include the file in the list and set the InstallationLocation to a single dash (-), in which case the file will not actually be installed on the system, but will, however, be available (in the current directory) when the installation runs - you can use the Tools/View InstallScript menu option to edit the script and use the run command to execute your specialist program (place the command between a pair of #N{{ directives so that it will be preserved during future generations.)

Shared. If the file is marked as shared, the location in InstallationLocation is only a hint! If the file is in the list of shared objects in the registry, the file is updated in that location rather than the Installation Location - but don't worry, any subsequent registrations or any other operation will work on the correct file, wherever it is copied (Basically, the copy command is used with -sar options).

Register. If this property is Y the file is assumed to implement a COM object, and it is registered. Only .dll, .ocx and .exe files can have this property set to Y. Note if the file is an exe, it is assumed that running it with /RegServer registers it - you can change this parameter from the Preferences Dialog. Also, when an exe registers itself, you should ensure that it then exits afterwards, otherwise the installation will wait until the users closes the exe. Further Note: if you register .dll or .ocx  files they will automatically be unregistered during the uninstall procedure, .exe files are not automatically unregistered unless this is specified this in the Preferences Dialog.

ProgMenu, If this property is set, the file is added to the systems Programs menu. Note: .dll files cannot have this property set.

DskTop, If this property is set, the file is added to the systems Desktop. Note: .dll files cannot have this property set.

These properties can be changed either by using the Edit Menu, using the Right Hand Button Context menu or by double clicking an item. One or mode rows must be selected before anything can be changed.

Sort HighLighting Option

As already mentioned, when sorting (i.e. clicking a column heading), consecutive rows that match the sort criteria can be highlighted. The highlight can be applied to
the background or the text, and can be any colour you like. This is all controlled from the View menu. A very-light grey background highlight is quite effective, and
then sorting on the Installation Location column gives a useful display, the screen-shot above uses this technique A Further point worth noting, the source-file display can be set to show file-names only rather than full path names.

Preferences Dialog

The following preferences dialog box, available from the Options Menu allows you to set some important data needed for the generation of an InstallScript file.

Vendor. Your company name

App. Your application name.

Version. Your application's version.

Release. This is an optional field that can be used to supplement  the Version..

Description. A description of your application. The user will see these 4 items when he runs the SXAzip archive, and will be given the option to continue or not before any files are copied to his system or any programs run.

Programs  Menu Name is the name that items will have on the Programs Menu, if this is left blank, the App field will be used instead.

Make progmenus and desktop items system-wide. If this is set, any progmenu or desktop items that are created will be available to all users of the system, if it is not set, only the installing user will get the items.

Always prompt before adding desktop items. If this is set, the user is always asked if he wants the item on his desktop. (This setting does not affect progmenus).

Display License File. With this item checked, license.txt is displayed early in the installation allowing the user to cancel. Rich Text documents can be displayed; if  license.rtf  is present rather than license.txt, that file will be displayed

IS Activation Key Support. This setting includes InstallScript commands to handle an IS Activation Key, the key is saved in a file "key.txt", and can be viewed from the Tools menu. NB: If you disable ‘default registry maintenance’ you will not be able to use this option.

Enable Custom installation support. If this is selected, the  user is able to selectively include or exclude groups of files during installation. If this is not selected, the Groups field on the main display is unused.

Display readme.txt (or readme.rtf). With this item checked readme.txt is displayed after the installation has completed successfully. Rich Text documents can be displayed; if  readme.rtf  is present rather than readme.txt, that file will be displayed

Maximize when installing. InstallScript runs in a maximized window.

Exit the installation when complete. If this is set InstallScript will exit when the installation is complete, otherwise, InstallScript will have to be closed by the user after it has completed.

Update Mode
Select this mode is you are producing an update rather than a full installation.

Disable default banner
You can disable the default banner text displayed on the screen, you can optionally add your own banner commands directly to the install script text file manually

EXE registration parameter. If you set the Register attribute on an EXE, the EXE is executed with this parameter. The parameter can be blank. Note - this applies to all EXEs registered, so you should ensure they are all consistent (MFC and ATL exes require different command line parameters to register, MFC apps typically require none, whereas ATL apps require /RegServer).

Enable auto-unregister of EXE servers. If you have written your EXE servers to be able to unregister themselves (ATL apps will do this by default, but MFC apps won't), then you can set this flag to include unregistration. Note: in the case of shared objects (DLLs or EXEs) the system will not un-register them if the implementing DLL or EXE has a reference count greater than 1)

Protect your installation with a password. This setting causes the SXAzip archive to have a password, which you are free to choose yourself. (the password word will be displayed as you type it)

Normal File Replacement Strategy. This item allows you to set the behaviour of InstallScript when a file it is about to copy would replace a newer version in a non-system directory. You can specify always-overwrite, never-overwrite, prompt-for-permission-to-overwrite and prompt-twice-for-permission-to-overwrite . This action applies to 'Normal' files (i.e. non-system files), the following item applies to System files.

System File Replacement Strategy. This item allows you to set the behaviour of InstallScript when a file it is about to copy would replace a newer version in a system directory - i.e. in $WINDIR or $SYSDIR.

Suspend Restart Option
Imagine the situation where your installation requires you to run one of your applications for configuration or registration purposes. If that application depends on the MFC DLL you will have included it in your distribution and will copy it to the target system. If, as is very likely, the target system already has a version of the DLL,
and it is in use, the copy of your version of the DLL will be postponed until a reboot. (your version of the DLL should only be copied if it is newer than the existing one). Now, depending on how different your MFC DLL is to the existing one, your applications may not be able to run with the existing one, and so the installation would fail. This option specifies that after all files have been copied, if any copy operations were posponed until a reboot, the whole installation process will be suspended, and automatically restarted after a reboot. You should probably always include this option if you run any programs that depend on DLLs that have been copied, indeed, if you are replacing an existing application that might be running, and you need to run it during the installation, the same situation arises. In terms of  the InstallScript language, this option places arestart -r command after the last copy command.

SMS Support Dialog

This dialog is also available from the Options Menu.

If the Enable SMS Support box is checked, the other options are available. The main effect of enabling SMS mode is the creation of a PDF file and a response file. There are 2 types of PDFs that can be generated; the Compact type assumes that only the Self Extracting Archive will be distributed, hence that is the only file listed in the PDF. The detailed PDF assumes that all the files in the package will be distributed separately, hence they are all listed in the PDF. NB: if it is your intention to distribute all the files separately, you may want to use SXAzip in non-setup mode (just to collect the files together), you can do this by checking the appropriate box in the above dialog. You should also select an installation directory - this choice overrides the normal default of
?:\Program Files\$VENDOR\$APP\$VER

The response file is just a standard .ini file, with a [InstallScript] (and possibly a [SXAzip] section if the archive is password protected). Commands find their input by looking for a command=input string in the response file. The one exception to this is the input command, in this case the name of the variable being input must appear on the left-hand-side of the = in the .ini file. When deciding whether to replace newer files with older ones in SMS mode, InstallScript looks for an entry ReplaceNewerWithOlder=TRUE, note however, this entry is ignored in favour of the Normal/SystemFile Replacement Strategy setting if it is set to ALWAYS or NEVER. If the File Replacement Strategy is PROMPT, the default 'answer' to the prompt in SMS mode is TRUE if ReplaceNewerWithOlder is not in the .ini file.

A further effect of running in SMS mode is that a MIF file is generated by InstallScript, to inform SMS of the state of the installation. (However, the generation of the MIF file is dependent on the dll ismif32.dll being present on the system.

NOTE: you should probably always use the Compact PDF option and distribute your package as an SXAzip Setup Archive. If you don't do this, you will get problems with licensing of InstallScript - if InstallScript runs outside of an SXAzip archive, it will require a license on the machine on which it runs. Licensing is not a problem when it runs from within SXAzip as part of a package, since we don't want to enforce everybody you send you package to, to have to have InstallScript licensed on their machine.

Once you have saved and generated an SMS mode project, you will be able to test it in normal mode or in SMS mode - when running in SMS mode, no windows are displayed an all user input comes from the response file. Note - even if you have not included SMS support you can still run a test in SMS mode, but in that case there will be no response file, and so all commands that require input will receive their default values, (the default value of commands that ask YES/NO or OK/CANCEL questions is YES or OK)

Dependencies Dialog

This dialog is available from the Edit Menu and from the (Right-Hand Button context menu) provided one item only is selected from the file list.

The dialog displays all the dependent DLLs of the selected file. If you click the Add button, the files that you select on the Dependency dialog will be added to the main file list. The newly added files will automatically be marked as selected when the Dependency dialog closes. By default,  operating system DLLs  are not displayed in the Dependency dialog, as you will almost certainly not want to distribute them, (the image above is showing all dependent DLLs). The MSVCRT.DLL is not classed as an Operating System DLL, but you will probably not need to distribute it, as it is found on most systems. DLLs that are already added to the main file list will contain a 'Y' in the Added column - these items can be selected, but will not be added a 2nd time, however, NB: if all the rows contain a 'Y' in the Added column, the Add button will be disabled. You can read more about dependencies in the section bellow.

Note: the files that ISbuilder views as Operating System are defined by a colon separated list of files stored in the  registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Octatec\InstallScript\1.00\OSfileList, by default, this key has the value "KERNEL32.DLL:GDI32.DLL:USER32.DLL:OLEAUT32.DLL:OLE32.DLL:ADVAPI32.DLL:COMCTL32.DLL"

Asscociating a File Extension with a program (EXE)

The first thing to say is, that if your program implements an ActiveX object or document, you almost certainly don't need to use this facility. If, however, you have a none-ActiveX program that accepts a file on the command line, you can use this option to arrange for your program to be started with the file as a parameters when a file with a particular extension is double clicked in Windows Explorer.

The following dialog is available from the context menu whenever an EXE file is selected. It is also available from the Edit menu, to allow editing of existing file
associations regardless of selected items. You can have as many associations as you want.

Once an item in the list is selected the extension that is associated with the EXE can be edited in the box at the top. The extension can be any lenght, and should be specified without a leading dot.

Saving And Generating

When you take the File/Save and Generate menu option you will be asked for a project name, by default this is the same as the App name in the above dialog directory will be created with the project  name, and all files will be saved their. The final SXAzip file that you will distribute will have the name Proj_Ver.exe.
After generating you will have files name install.txt (the InstallScript) SXAzipBuild.txt ( a script to build the SXAzip archive) and the above mentioned  Proj_Ver.exe file. You will also have a file named Proj.isb, this is an ISbuilder project file, you can re-open  ISbuilder projects and add/ remove files and generate again, but note, this will overwrite previously generated files, and consequently if you have customized these files, the customization will be lost (unless you have added it to the customization areas of the InstallScript).

Once you have run the Save and Generate command, the options on the Tools menu will be available, from where you can test and view/edit the generated Installation Script.

The save and generate dialog (seen above) also allows you to control Installation Security. If you wish, you can limit the number of times the output SXAzip self-extracting archive can be run, and/or limit the computer on which the archive can be run - if you check  limit the installation to a particular computer and leave the computer name blank, the first computer on which the installation is run becomes the one-and-only one on which the installation can be run,
however, the isreset program (included with the distribution) can be used to re-assign the installation to a different computer. Isrest takes the path-to-the-archive and the application-name  as command-line parameters, it uninstalls the software on the current computer and allows it to be installed on a different computer, the name of the alternative computer must be supplied to isreset.

Running a Program after Archive Generation

You may configure ISBuilder to automatically run a program (batch file or command) after the archive has been generated; the most likely reason to do this is if you want to publish the archive somewhere. To do this, use the Options/Run Command after Archive Generation.

Customizing The InstallScript

When the InstallScript is generated, 5 customization areas are created, where you can add your own commands - these commands will be preserved during future Save And Generate commands. The customization areas are marked by #N{{ and #N}}, and are strategically located before script initialization (#0) where your could add to the banner, at the start of the script (#1) where you could do proprietary key validation if you don't use InstallScript's own key validation, just before all files are copied (#2), just after all files are copied  and before any restart might be processed (#R), and finally,  just before the installation completes (#3), where. you might want to add the installation of services or further registry settings. Note: if you distribute files to execute during the setup procedure but don't actually install them, and restart processing is enabled, the #R location is the last place you will have access to them.

ISBuilder Tutorial

Imagine you have 3 files to distribute, a program, MyApp.exe, a DLL that must be registered, MyApp.dll and a documentation file MyApp.html.

Start ISBuider by clicking the Icon,

Using the menu option Preferences/Options... and set your preferences from the preferences dialog.

When a customer runs your installation, your application will be installed under <C:\Program Files>\Vendor\Product\Version
Where <C:\Program Files> can be changed by the user running the installation and Vendor\Product\Version is taken from the preferences dialog.

Drag and Drop the 3 files onto ISBuilder. The 3 files will be represented by rows in the ISBuilder application.

Double click the ISBuilder DLL file entry and  from the dialog displayed. check the Register checkbox (this checkbox is only available if the file is a DLL or EXE).

You may want the  documentation file to go into a subdirectory under the main application directory,
Double click the ISBuilder document entry and change the installation location  to docs  (this is automatically relative to $HOME) - the document will then be placed in <C:\Program Files>\Vendor\Product\Version\docs during installation.

Save The project using the menu option File/Save and Generate.  You will be prompted form a Poject name and directory location. The project is saved in a subdirectory of the directory location with the name of the project. The actual installation you distribute will be called Product_Version.exe and will be located in the same directory.

Now you can test the installation  using the menu option Tools/Execute the SXAzip Archive - test the installation Or by running Product_Version.exe directly if you wish.

Now imagine that you want MyApp.exe to be on the programs menu and on desktop as an icon. Double click the ISBuilder MyApp.exe file entry and from the dialog displayed check the Add to Desktop checkbox and Add to Programs Menu checkbox.

If any of the files  being copied to are in use at the time of installation, the user will be told a re-boot is required and they will be copied at the next reboot.  You don't need to set any additional property to get this behaviour, it automatically happens for any 'busy' file.

An uninstall program is automatically generated that will remove desktop items and un-register DLLs

IsBuilder generates an InstallScript which you can edit to tailor to your own needs, but it is quite likley you won't need to do this.

A Word On 'Distributing Dependent DLLs'

There are 2 types of Dependent DLLs, those linked to the application at time of building, and those loaded by the application at runtime. The Dependency dialog of
ISbuilder will detect the 1st type. Of the 1st type, most of them will be Operating System DLLs, which you won't want to distribute with your application. DLLs like
the C++ MFC DLLs or the VB RUNTIME DLLs will need to be distributed with your system if they appear in the dependency list. The C RUNTIME DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, will probably not need to be distributed, but it can be. Of course, if you are distributing your application internally, or to a client who's system you know well, you need not distribute dependent DLLs if you know they will be on the target machine. ISbuilder can detect type-1 dependent DLLs using the Dependencies Dialog.

DLLs that are loaded at runtime will mostly be ActiveX objects. These DLLs cannot be detected by ISbuilder, however, they should be easy to detect, as you must
explicitly included them in your code, perhaps using the C++ #import or the VB Components dialog. DLLs could also be loaded at runtime by using the
LoadLibrary()  call, again ISbuilder does not detect these, but you should be aware of any of these calls yourself. Again, unless you are completely certain that the target machine will contain all your required ActiveX objects, you must distribute the DLLs (and any  files required by the DLLs, e.g. licence files or other DLLs).

Of course, you must be certain that you have the correct licence when distributing any 3rd party DLLs.

Distributing VB ActiveX Components

If you are using VB to build Active X components, be sure you have Binary Compatibility  mode selected, and further, be sure you are using the correct binary compatible file - if you get this wrong you will have insurmountable  problems distributing such components. Having said that, the pitfalls of building VB active X components are beyond the scope of this document.

Licensing Issues

The simplest situation is that you buy one copy of InstallScript and one copy of SXAzip for each developer that is going to be producing installation packages. The
licenses does not permit sharing, i.e. it is one license per machine - we at Octatec believe the product is so cheap that it really wouldn't be worth anyone breaking the
law for the price of an additional copy.

The SXAzip license permits the distribution of SXAzip archives, including ones that contain InstallScript installation packages. Under normal
circumstances, InstallScript will only run on a machine if it detects a license, however this presents a problem if you want to install your software on machines that
do not have an InstallScript license. Don't Worry - if InstallScript runs from within an SXAzip archive, it does not need a licence on the target machine, SXAzip
provides it with a temporary licence.

If you have a lot of developer that might want to use InstallScript and/or SXAzip you may apply for a Site Licence.

If you wish to use InstallScript outside of SXAzip to install packages, you will need an InstallScript Licence on the target machine. If this is the case, you may also
want to apply for a Site Licence.

By far the simplest solution is to embed your installation package within an SXAzip archive - ISbuilder will do this automatically for you.

InstallScript Examples

There now follows 5 sample scripts.
  1. A simple install script
  2. A real-life example
  3. A complex install script which calls sub-scripts
  4. An update script
  5. An automatically generated uninstall script
Note: These are manually created install scripts. If you use ISbuilder, very similar scripts will be generated for you;
                  you can get away without reading the following examples at all, all the work will be done for you!

1. Simple Install

# filename: "install.txt"
# simple installation script
set VENDOR     MyCompany
set APP        MyApp
set VER        1.00
set HOME       "?:\Program Files\$VENDOR\$APP"
           # define the APP  VER  VENDOR and HOME (installation directory),
            # these variables are particularly important for generating the "uninstall" script

            # define the location of registry entries

title "$APP Installation"
           # set the title bar of the window

background 0:0:0
           # set the background of the main window to black

banner -l "$APP version 1.00"         "Times New Roman"    320   255:0:0
banner -l "(c) $VENDOR Ltd, YYYY"     "Times New Roman"    240   255:0:0
            # display some information in RED on the main window. using the "Times New Roman" font and sizes of 320, and 240

            # maximize the window

oktoinstall -advise
      # check for other installed versions, and give the user chance to stop the installation

input  KEY  "Activation Key"  "Enter the $APP Activation Key"  " "
           # get the activation key from the  user

run ValidateKey.exe  $PWD/result_file.txt  $KEY
           # run the ValidateKey program - this is a software-vendor written program to
            # verify the activation key - it uses the standard install script return mechanism
            # to communicate the results of the verification, i.e. it writes a SET command into
            #  the filename specified in the 1st argument on the command line, the SET
            # command will look something like
            #        "set RESULT TRUE"
            # NB:  ValidateKey.exe  is not part of InstallScript, it is Octatec's proprietary key validation
            # program. However, InstallScript does provide an application key generation/validation facility if you
           # don't have your own

call -r $PWD/result_file.txt
           # get the  RESULT written by the verification program by
            # running the script the program is expected to have written
            # -r = remove the script($PWD/result_file.tx)  after running it

    message "Sorry - your activation key is incorrect"

choosedir    HOME    "Select the installation folder"  $HOME
           # let the user choose a directory into which the installation should go, suggesting
            # a suitable default, $HOME

setreg -lm "$REGHOME\Home"  $HOME
           # record the installation directory in the registry

setreg -lm "$REGHOME\Key"    $KEY
           # record the activation key in the registry

progress -3
           # initialize the file copy progress bar for 3 operations
            # the progress bar is automatically modified by the copy command
            # if it has been initialized

copy application.exe  "$HOME/application.exe"
copy application.dll  "$HOME/application.dll"
copy document.htm     "$HOME/docs/document.htm"
           # copy the required files - all required directories are automatically created
             # if the file is in use, the operating system is setup so that the file will be
             # copied during the next reboot

             # NOTE: the target path is enclosed in double quotes, this is particularly important, as
             # $HOME may contain embedded spaces - if it does and the whole path is not in double
             # quotes InstallScript will see too many parameters

progress -c
            # indicate that the progress bar is complete

banner -clear
      # clear all text in the main window

banner -c " "             "Arial"                            220   0:255:0
banner -c "$APP..."        "Copperplate Gothic Light"         240   0:255:0
banner -c " "              "Arial"                            220   0:255:0
banner -c "Installation Completed Successfully"   "Arial"    240   0:255:0
    # add a GREEN installationcomplete message to the screen

     banner -c " " "Arial"    220   0:255:0
     banner -c "The system requires a reboot before the installation can take effect" "Arial"  120  255:0:0
            # add a RED message informing the user that a reboot is required,
              # $NEEDS_RE_BOOT is set to TRUE is any of the files being copied are in use, in
             # such a situation, the system is configured to perform the copy at the next reboot

# end of script
# NB: an uninstall script is automatically generated and placed in $HOME\unintsall

2. Real Life Example

This script is the actual one used to install the SXAzip application, and is included in the distribution of InstallScript, named IS_script.txt as an example/template for your own scripts.
## Installation Script for the Full SXAzip system

#### This Script is executed automatically by SXAzip, it should always
#### be called "install.txt". The SXAzip archive should be created with
#### the +F option so that all restored files end up in the same directory -
#### since this is a Setup Archive, this will be a temp directory, removed
#### after the installation

# see the documentation for full details of all commands,
# and further samples

## set up initial variables and environment

set VENDOR     "Octatec"
set APP        "SXAzip"
set VER        "1.00"
set HOME       "C:\Program Files\$VENDOR\$APP"

## set the title in the Window

title "$APP Installation"

## set the contents of the main window

## you can display a bitmap instead if you wish

background 0:0:0
banner -c "system software from" "Copperplate Gothic Light"  120   100:100:255
banner -c "OCTATEC Ltd"          "Copperplate Gothic Light"  320   100:100:255
banner " "
banner -l "$APP version 1.00"      "Times New Roman"    240   0:255:0
banner -l "(c) $VENDOR Ltd, 1999"  "Times New Roman"    120   0:255:0

## confirm the installation and the acceptance of the licence

getreg -lm "$REGHOME" "Demo"  DEMO
       # (nb: -lm = use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)

if "$DEMO" != "(empty)"
     # this is just a convenient way of flagging a DEMO version
     # it doesn't have to be done like this
  query -y  RESULT "The Evaluation version is already installed." \
                   "You are strongly recommended to uninstall it first."\
                   "DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE ('NO' is a good answer)"
  if "$RESULT" = "NO"
  oktoinstall -advise
   # check for the current version and any other version being installed -
   # the '-advise' option forces the command to issue a warning only
   # about other versions, without that flag, if other versions are found
   # the installation is cancelled

if "$RESULT" = "NO"

display -c license.txt

## get the activation key

input  KEY1  "Activation Key"  "Enter the $APP Activation Key"  " "

## run the proprietary Key Validation program

# this EXE is specifically written to validate OCTATEC's application keys, you
# will have to provide your own if you wish to validate keys
# NOTE, however, the way the EXE communicates its results back to this script...
# we pass in the name of a file,  $PWD\result_file.txt, into which the key
# validation program writes its result - the results are written in the form
# of InstallScript commands, we then "call" the result-file, the result file
# can contain any commands, however usually they are just "set" commands.
# The result-file should contain at least one "set" command that sets
# the variable RESULT

run ValidateKeyIS.exe  $PWD\result_file.txt  $KEY1
call -r $PWD\result_file.txt
      # if the key is valid KEY2 is also generated and
      # written to the result file - this is just the way
      # OCTATEC handles keys, you do not need to do it
      # the same way

   message "Sorry - your activation key is incorrect"

## choose where the installation will go in the file system

## once the choice is made, enter it into the registry


if $CURRENT_HOME != "(empty)"

choosedir    HOME    "Select the installation folder"  "$HOME"

setreg -lm "$REGHOME" "Home"  "$HOME"

## the following registry entries are SXAzip specific

setreg -lm "$REGHOME" "Key1"  "$KEY1"
setreg -lm "$REGHOME" "Key2"  "$KEY2"
setreg -lm "$REGHOME" "datafile"        "$HOME\SXAzip.dat"

## define filegroups that can be optionally installed

# we define 2 groups of files, G0, and G1, G0 files are 'mandatory'
# files are actually assigned to the different groups in the
# "copy" command

# note - you do not need to go through this step, you can just copy
# the files you want without assigning files to a group - you only
# need to do this if you are going to give the user the option not
# to install parts of the application, in this case, the documentation
# is optional

filegroup -m G0 "basic system"
filegroup    G1 "documentation"

## let the user choose CUSTOM or DEFAULT installation

# you do not need to do this, you can just do a default installation
select INSTALLATION_TYPE "select installation type"\
                         "choose from the list..."\
                         "full installation,custom installation"

if $INSTALLATION_TYPE = "custom installation"
      # present the 'choose files' dialog, this lets the user
      # choose the filegroups defined in the previous step
   filegroup -e G0
   filegroup -e G1

## copy the files

# if you are not providing a custom install option you can omit the
# "file group", "select" and "choosefiles" commands above, and omit the
# 3rd parameter to the "copy" command here, which assigns files to groups

progress -i

copy  SXAzip.exe "$HOME\SXAzip.exe"   G0
copy  SXAzip.dat "$HOME\SXAzip.DAT"   G0

copy SXA_document.htm     "$HOME\docs\SXA_document.htm"     G1
copy sxa_title.gif        "$HOME\docs\sxa_title.gif"        G1
copy bkg_blu2.jpg         "$HOME\docs\bkg_blu2.jpg"        G1
copy advanced-dlg.jpg     "$HOME\docs\advanced-dlg.jpg"     G1
copy setup-create-dlg.jpg "$HOME\docs\setup-create-dlg.jpg" G1
copy setup-dlg.jpg        "$HOME\docs\setup-dlg.jpg"        G1
copy sxa-browse.jpg       "$HOME\docs\sxa-browse.jpg"       G1
copy sxa-create.jpg       "$HOME\docs\sxa-create.jpg"       G1
copy sxa-menu-1.jpg       "$HOME\docs\sxa-menu-1.jpg"       G1
copy sxa-menu-2.jpg       "$HOME\docs\sxa-menu-2.jpg"       G1

progress -c

## add START menu items and desktop icons

progmenu  "$HOME\SXAzip.exe"   "SXAzip\SXAzip"
progmenu  "$HOME\docs\SXA_document.htm" "SXAzip\Documentation"

query -y RESULT "Do you want to add SXAzip to your desktop"
if "$RESULT" = "YES"
   desktop   "$HOME\SXAzip.exe"

## update the main window to indicate the installation has completed

banner -clear

banner -c " " "Arial"    220   0:255:0
banner -c "$APP..."    "Copperplate Gothic Light"    240   0:255:0
banner -c " " "Arial"    220   0:255:0
banner -c "Installation Completed Successfully"    "Arial"    240   0:255:0

     # this variable is automatically set during installation
   banner -c " " "Arial"    220   0:255:0
   banner -c "The system requires a reboot before the installation can take effect" "Arial"  120  255:0:0

3. Complex Install

# filename: "install.txt"
# complex installation script calling  "custom_install.txt"  and  "default_install.txt"

set VENDOR     MyCompany
set APP        MyApp
set VER        1.00
set HOME       "?:\Program Files\$VENDOR\$APP"
           # define the APP  VER  VENDOR and HOME (installation directory),
            # these variables are particularly important for generating the "uninstall" script

            # define the location of registry entries

title "$APP Installation"
           # set the title bar of the window

background 0:0:0
           # set the background of the main window to black

banner -l "$APP version 1.00"         "Times New Roman"    320   255:0:0
banner -l "(c) $VENDOR Ltd, YYYY"     "Times New Roman"    240   255:0:0
            # display some information in RED on the main window. using the "Times New Roman" font

oktoinstall -advise
      # check for other installed versions, and give the user chance to stop the installation

input  KEY  "Activation Key"  "Enter the $APP Activation Key"  " "
           # get the activation key from the  user

run ValidateKey.exe  $PWD/result_file.txt  $KEY
           # run the ValidateKey program - this is a software-vendor written program to
           # verify the activation key - it uses the standard install script return mechanism
            # to communicate the results of the verification, i.e. it writes a SET command into
            #  the filename specified in the 1st argument on the command line, the SET
            # command will look something like
            #        "set RESULT TRUE"

call -r $PWD/result_file.txt
            # get the  RESULT written by the verification program by
            # running the script the program is expected to have written.
            # NB: -r = remove the script($PWD/result_file.tx)  after running it

    message "Sorry - your activation key is incorrect"

choosedir    HOME    "Select the installation folder"  $HOME
           # let the user choose a directory into which the installation should go, suggesting
           # a suitable default, $HOME

setreg -lm "$REGHOME\Home"  $HOME
           # record the installation directory in the registry

setreg -lm "$REGHOME\Key"    $KEY
           # record the activation key in the registry

select INSTAL_TYPE "Installation Type" "select from the drop down list" 0 "default,custom"
    # display a drop down list showing "default" and "custom", to the user who can choose one item or
        # cancel, if the cancel button is pressed, the installation is automatically stopped, "default" is the selection
        # displayed when the dialog is first displayed

if $INSTAL_TYPE = default

call custom_install.txt
    # call a sub-script to do the custom installation -
    # subscripts are contained in separate files
call default_install.txt
    # call a sub-script to do the default installation

banner -c " "              "Arial"                            220   0:255:0
banner -c "$APP..."        "Copperplate Gothic Light"         240  0:255:0
banner -c " "              "Arial"                            220   0:255:0
banner -c "Installation Completed Successfully"    "Arial"    240   0:255:0
    # add a GREEN installation complete message to the screen

     banner -c " " "Arial"    220   0:255:0
     banner -c "The system requires a reboot before the installation can take effect" "Arial"  120  255:0:0
            # add a RED message informing the user that a reboot is required,
              # $NEEDS_RE_BOOT is set to TRUE is any of the files being copied are in use, in
              # such a situation, the system is configured to perform the copy at the next reboot

# end of script
# NB: an uninstall script is automatically generated and placed in $HOME\unintsall

# filename: "custom_install.txt"

filegroup -m    G0 "executables and dlls"
filegroup       G1 "documentation/help files"
filegroup       G2 "source code samples"
           # define 3 file groups which can be optionally installed, the files in group 0 (G0)
            # are mandatory (-m) and cannot be excluded from the installation, files are assigned
            # to groups by using the copy command

           # allow the user to choose the file groups to install

progress -i
           # initialize the file copy progress bar for the number of files in all selected groups
            # the progress bar is automatically modified by the copy command
            # if it has been initialized

copy application.exe   "$HOME/application.exe"        G0
copy application1.dll  "$HOME/application1.dll"       G0
copy application2.dll  "$HOME/application2.dll"       G0
copy document1.htm     "$HOME/docs/document1.htm"     G1
copy document1.htm     "$HOME/docs/document1.htm"     G1
copy document1.htm     "$HOME/docs/document1.htm"     G1
copy src1.htm          "$HOME/samples/document1.htm"  G2
copy src1.htm          "$HOME/samples/document1.htm"  G2
copy src2.htm          "$HOME/samples/document1.htm"  G2
copy src2.htm         "$HOME/samples/document1.htm"  G2

progress -c
            # indicate that the progress bar is complete

# end of subscript

# filename: "default_install.txt"

progress -i 10
            # initialize the file copy progress bar to 10
            # the progress bar is automatically modified by the copy command
            # if it has been initialized

copy application.exe   $HOME/application.exe
copy application1.dll  $HOME/application1.dll
copy application2.dll  $HOME/application2.dll
copy document1.htm     $HOME/docs/document1.htm
copy document1.htm     $HOME/docs/document1.htm
copy document1.htm     $HOME/docs/document1.htm
copy src1.htm          $HOME/samples/document1.htm
copy src1.htm          $HOME/samples/document1.htm
copy src2.htm          $HOME/samples/document1.htm
copy src2.htm          $HOME/samples/document1.htm

progress -c
            # indicate that the progress bar is complete

# end of subscript

4. Update Installation

# filename: "install.txt"
# Simple Update Script

#### set important variables...

set VENDOR        MyCompany
set APP           MyApp
set VER           1.00
          # define the APP  VER  VENDOR and UPDATE_LEVEL

     # see the location of entries in the registry

      # prevent the generation of an Uninstall Script -
         # there will already be an UninstallScript from the previous full Install,
         # if you add new files they will still be removed by the Uninstall Script
         # provided they are placed under $HOME

#### display information on the screen...

banner -l "$APP version 1.00, UPDATE: $UPDATE_LEVEL " "Times New Roman"    320   255:0:0
banner -l "(c) $VENDOR Ltd, YYYY"     "Times New Roman"    240   255:0:0

#### test if the application is installed...

getreg -lm "$REGHOME" "Home" HOME
if "$HOME" == "(empty)"
    message "The application is not installed, and so cannot be updated"

#### get the current update level of the application...

getreg -lm "$REGHOME" "UpdateLevel" CURRENT_UPDATE_LEVEL
if "$CURRENT_UPDATE_LEVEL" != "(empty)"
        query -y  RESULT  "the update you are trying to install is less than the one already installed"\
                          "DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH THE UPDATE?"
        if $RESULT != "YES"
        query -y  RESULT  "the update you are trying to install is already installed"\
                          "DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE WITH THE UPDATE?"
        if $RESULT != "YES"

#### give the user a chance to quit...

query -y  RESULT "Do you want to continue with the update"
if $RESULT != "YES"

#### update the files and registry...

setreg -lm "$REGHOME" "UpdateLevel" $UPDATE

copy "UpdatedExe.exe" "$HOME\OldExe.exe"
copy "UpdatedDll.dll" "$HOME\OldDll.dll"
         #  if either of these files are in use, a copy operation
         #  will be scheduled for the next reboot, and the user
         #  will be told a reboot is required, however the system
        #  will not be rebooted by InstallScript

banner -l "Update Completed"  "Times New Roman"    240   255:0:0

5. Automatically Generated Uninstall Script

The following (uninstall) script is the one actually generated when ComBridge (another product from Octatec) is installed under WindowsNT or Windows2000. The commands are all fairly obvious apart from the 2 run commands (highlighted in italics). ComBridge installs a service, ComBridgeService.exe. For the uninstall to complete, the service must be stopped and removed. InstallScript does not know how to do this, so you must tell it - you do this using the onuninstall command. The following lines are taken from the ComBridge installation script, and show the service being installed - the important lines are highlighted in italics.
run "$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe" -i
        # the service installs itself

onuninstall "run '$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe' -x"
onuninstall "run '$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe' -u"
        # arrange for the service to be stopped and uninstalled
        # when the uninstall script runs

query -y RESULT "Do you want to start the service now"
if $RESULT = "YES"
    run "$HOME\ComBridgeService.exe" -s
                # the service starts itself

query -y RESULT "Do you want to automatically start the ComBridge Service at boot time"
if $RESULT = "YES"
    setsvc -a "ComBridgeService"
        # installscript is able to set the start-state of a service using the setsvc command
    message "You will have to start ComBridgeService from the Control Panel each time you boot"

The ComBridge service is written to support several arguments, -i = install the service, -s = start the service, -x = stop the service and -u = uninstall the service - other services may or may not support similar command line functionality it's up to the implementer of the service, but it's a good idea if your service can start/stop/install/uninstall itself, this certainly makes life easier when installing and un-installing since there is no command line method of doing this that you can rely on (the windows sc command controls services from the command line, but it has to be explicitly installed, and so may not be present )
# automatically generated uninstall script

background 255:120:120
banner -c "Uninstall ComBridge" "Arial"  240   255:255:255
title "UNINSTALL ComBridge"

oktouninstall "ComBridge"

run 'C:\Program Files\Octatec\ComBridge\ComBridgeService.exe' -x
run 'C:\Program Files\Octatec\ComBridge\ComBridgeService.exe' -u

rmkey -lm "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ComBridge"
rmregtree -lm "SOFTWARE\Octatec\ComBridge"

rmtree "C:\Program Files\Octatec\ComBridge"

rmprogmenu "Com Bridge\Documentation"
banner -c "... completed" "Arial"  240   255:255:255

If you have other uninstall requirements that are not catered for in the automatically generated script, you can handle them by adding onuninstall commands to your install script.


Provided you didn't excluded the test files when installing, you will have a test directory containing a test script file test_script.txt. To run this script, start InstallScript and select test_script.txt from the file-open dialog. The script tests several features, but concentrates on DLL reference counting,  the replacement of running EXEs and the removal of directories that contain EXEs that are in use.

Setting up a Self Extracting EXE Installation

NOTE: If you use ISbuilder, building the SXAzip archive is done for you, and you don't need to worry about this.

If you are setting up an SXAzip archive manually, in addition to your application files, you will need to include the following 4 components in your archive...

  • the setup.exe program
  • the InstallScript.exe program
  • your install script, named install.txt
  • the unsetup.exe program
NB: if you use ISbuilder to create your Installation package, you don't need to worry about this, it is all done for you.

Setup.exe is the program that must be run to initiate the installation - it calls InstallScript.exe and waits for it to complete before returning. Don't try to omit  Setup.exe and run InstallScript.exe directly - it will not work - this is because InstallScript.exe requires a Licence Key to run, however Setup.exe provides InstallScript.exe with a temporary 'licensed' environment in which to run, so that clients installing your software don't have to licence InstallScript as well. The unsetup.exe program is required during the uninstall procedure - it will be automatically copied to an uninstall directory, you don't need to specify it in the InstallScript.txt commands - InstallScript then sets the system registry so that your application can be uninstalled from the Control Panel's Add/Remove icon.

The simplest way to generate a self extracting exe installation package is to use SXAzip. also from Octatec. You could use any archive generation tool that supports
the running of a program after archive extraction. However, you may have a problem - InstallScript may not be registered on the system where the archive is being
extracted. This isn't a problem if the InstallScript is contained in an SXAzip archive, as SXAzip temporarily registers InstallScript while it is processing an installation,
but other archive generation programs won't be able to achieve this.

Briefly, SXAzip adds files to a compressed archive, and then, will extract all the files on the archive and run a pre-defined program contained on the archive. The user is, of course, prompted before any installation takes place. SXAzip is an interactive program, but to make the creation of Installation archives easier, it reads commands form a very simple script-file. Follow the link above for full information.

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