The J2EE FIX Engine

  FixMQ  (c) 2004-2006 Octatec Ltd

FixMQ is a JMS-based J2EE Fix Engine

FixMQ  is a JMS-based Fix Engine, idealy suited for use in a J2EE environment. FixMQ is designed to work with any JMS implementation, this would typically be within a J2EE container. However, FixMQ applications do not need to reside in a J2EE container, thay can be stand-alone-applications but do require a JMS server to be runnig somewhere.

FixMQ connects to a remote FIX engine and delivers FIX messages to the application as JMS MapMessages. A very light-eight API is available to the client to make accessing the system easier than might otherwise be the case.

The package includes sample fix applications (server and client)

You can download a 28 day demo and try out the system.

Click here to view the complete documentation.

For more information about the FIX Protocol see http://www.fixprotocol.org

If you require a Java-based FIX Engine, but don't want to use a JMS Server, then you should look at Octatec's AFI/J product.

If you are looking for a C++ based Fix Engine for a Windows or Linux environment, and/or a Fix Engine with a C#(.NET) or Active X interface, see Octatec's FixGateway product.

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